• All news (3 articles)


Honesty and Trust


Honesty and trust are two very important factors in the Shirt Collector Community. Sometimes the seller’s word is not enough, the Internet is full with fake replicas shirts and fake match worn shirts. UEFA and national league patches can be easily bought. That shirt on sale on eBay, the one that your favorite player was using when he scored on the last minute and made you team win the cup, well it probably wasn’t used by him, it wasn’t on the same room where he was. Probably wasn’t even in

Christmas time


It's Christmas time..  

Sporting played tonight at home against National and the score was 0 - 0 . If you ask me whats the man of the match I would say .. the referee . It was bad call after bad call. Off sides when the players were in line, a goal disaload where only the referee so a fault. Even with the draw, Sporting arrives at Christmas in first place with the same points than Porto and Benfica. A dodgy referee will not be enought to break our Spirit. Because im mourning against

D Day


Hi guys

It the 19th of November and the website is officially open ... for beta testing. Most pictures are up but I still need to add the description to most of them.  Please let me your opinions / comments and do let me know if you find any bug :)

Many thanks
